Understanding Fascism – Writings on Caste, Class and the State

Understanding Fascism: Writings on Caste, Class and the State Curated and Introduced by V. Geetha The book will be released on 08 October 2023 at the ‘Remembering Balagopal -14th Memorial Meeting’; Sundarayya Vignana Kendram; Baghlingampally, Hyderabad So proud to announce the fourth book from SouthSide Books! Please order from https://www.southsidebooks.in/…/understanding-fascism… (also available on flipkart, amazon […]
కులాన్ని అర్థం చేసుకోవడం ఎలా?

కోర్టు తీర్పులు – సామాజిక న్యాయం

Charitre Manushya Maarxvaada
(Kannada Translation of ‘Charithra Manishi Marxism)

Vanmuraikalukkum Vamuraiyatra vazhimuraikalukkum appaal

Karuthayutham- vakuppu vaathathai ethirkolla

Urimaigal oru thathuva kannottam
(Translation of ‘Hakkula Udyamam – Thaathvika Drikpatham)

‘హక్కుల ఉద్యమం – తాత్విక దృక్పథం’ పుస్తకానికి తమిళ అనువాదం
Kalavarap Pallaththaakku Kashmir
(Translation of ‘Kallola loya Kashmir’)

Prakshubda Kanive: Kāśmīrada kathe vyathe

(Tamil Translation of Telugu book ‘Dalita’)

‘దళిత’ పుస్తకానికి తమిళ అనువాదం