Caste and Law

On Marxism

Interview of Balagopal by Deepa Dhanraj

Interview of Balagopal by Deepa Dhanraj
Caste and Civil Rights Movement

Speech at a meeting organised by People’s Democratic Front (PDF) in Bangalore on 9 May, 1996
Upholding Human Rights in the Time of Terrorism – Balagopal

Upholding Human Rights in the Time of Terrorism. Speech in a meet organized by the PUCL near Bangalore on 25th July 2009.
Towards a Political Engagement with the Maoists.

Balagopal – Towards a Political Engagement with the Maoists. Talk at the Citizens Initiative for Peace meet held in Delhi on 4 Aug 2009.
Balagopal on Forest Rights Act

Criminal Justice System; Balagopal Lecture in HCU